1. Andersonvilles of the North :
Author: James M. Gillispie.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: United States.-- Prisons-- History-- 19th century.,United States.,Military prisons-- Middle West-- History-- 19th century.,Military prisons-- Northeastern States-- History-- 19th century.,Military prisons-- United States-- History-- 19th century.,Prisoners of war-- Confederate States of America-- History-- 19th century.,Prisoners of war-- Mortality-- United States-- History-- 19th century.,Prisoners of war-- United States-- History-- 19th century.,Armed Forces-- Prisons.,Behandlung,HISTORY.,Kriegsgefangene-- Sezessionskrieg.,Kriegsgefangenenlager-- USA-- Geschichte 19. Jh.,Kriegsgefangener,Militärgefängnis-- USA-- Geschichte 19. Jh.,Military prisons.,Prisoners of war-- Mortality.,Prisoners of war.,Sezessionskrieg,Sezessionskrieg-- Kriegsgefangene.,United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Prisoners and prisons.,Middle West.,Northeastern States.,United States, Confederate States of America.,United States.,USA., 0, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
Classification :